Round Tables


Round Table Information

Short Biography of Presenters




Online on the YouTube channel:



2nd Conference on Sports Tourism, Dance, and Recreation (STDR)

• Dance and Interdisciplinary Approaches

• Sports Tourism and Recreation in 2021



Round Table


Creative Transformations of "Dance Tradition"

and Dance Performances 


The round table aims to highlight the creative transformations of tradition in contemporary dance artistic creation, showcasing the perspective of creators and performers of dance performances, as well as their impact on the field of aesthetic evaluation and academic research.


Presentations / Presenters:

Search for contemporary artistic creation

Lefteris Drandakis

Artistic Director of the Lyceum Club of Greek Women of Athens

Dialogue between traditional & contemporary dance: A different perspective.

Apostolos Konstantinos Takis

Primary Education Teacher, M.A. in "Dance Studies" - DUTH, M.A. in Folklore - UOA

Christina Tsardoulia

MFA, Director School of Dance Samos School of Dance

Coexistence or confrontation of two different types of dance in the international performance "The thread".

Eleni Spathia

Dance Teacher & Artistic Director of the KEMEA DROMENA

Panagiotis Karachalios

Physical Education Teacher & Director of the KEMEA DROMENA



Dimitris Goulimaris

Professor at the School of Physical Education and Sport Science - DUTH

Date: :Saturday, 13/02/2021

Time: 10:00-12:00

Online on the YouTube channel:


Brief CVs:

Lefteris Drandakis

Brief CV


Apostolis Takis

Brief CV






Christina Tsardoulia

Brief CV


Eleni Spathia

Brief CV


Panagiotis Karachalios

Brief CV


Dimitris Goulimaris

Brief CV



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