Forms for the Master's Thesis

Writing Instructions

Completion List of Master's Theses (1)

Guide for Independent Studies



Master's Thesis Proposal

Internship Guide


1. Intent form for undertaking a Master's Thesis or Internship and Independent Studies I & II


To undertake a Master's Thesis, you must submit the following:

1. Proposed title and supervisor application form

   Master's Thesis Abstract

2. Master's Thesis title declaration

3. Master's Thesis declaration (Article 8 of Law 1599/1986)

4. Master's Thesis research proposal

All forms must be completed on a computer and those requiring a signature must be either digitally signed (via gov) or handwritten.

To undertake an Internship and Independent Studies I & II, you must submit the following:

1. Internship Application Form (In-person)

2. Internship Declaration Form

3. ELKE account declaration form (Please also submit a photocopy of the company's bank account)

4. Internship Subject

5. Independent Study I Declaration

6. Independent Study II Declaration

7. Complete the required fields in the NOMINATIVE LIST AM send to email:

All forms must be completed on a computer and those requiring a signature must be either digitally signed (via gov) or handwritten.

8. Internship schedule

You must submit two schedules: one with the total number of hours, including the hours of employment at the internship organization, study, and writing INTERNSHIP SCHEDULE 375 HOURS and one schedule only with the total number of hours of employment at the organization. INTERNSHIP SCHEDULE 160 HOURS

9. Συμπλήρωση απαιτούμενων πεδίων στο φύλλο excel ΟΝΟΜΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ send to email:

10. Declaration for Independent Studies I & II


After completing the Internship and Independent Studies I & II, you must submit the following:

1. Internship evaluation form by the supervising professor

2. Final report (In Word format)

3. The end from the ERGANI information system (host organization's accountant)

4. Host organization certificate

5. Schedule

Regarding Independent Study I, you must submit the following:
• Independent Study I evaluation form by the supervising professor
• Work content declaration by the supervising professor

• Submission of the full text of Independent Study I to the secretariat

Regarding Independent Study II, you must submit the following:
• Independent Study II evaluation form by the supervising professor
• Work content declaration by the supervising professor

• Submission of the full text of Independent Study II to the secretariat

For more information about the Internship

All forms must be completed on a computer and those requiring a signature must be either digitally signed (via gov) or handwritten.

Internship Guide

Documents required for awarding the Master's Degree 


Those who have completed a Master's Thesis must submit the following:

 1. Master's Degree Award Application

2. Article Publication Certificate


4. Completion of the EXCEL FILE with the scientific works, announcements, or publications made within the framework of the Master's Thesis RECORD OF RESEARCH WORK M.S_STDR

5. Δύο (2) ηλεκτρονικά αντίγραφα της Μ.Δ.Ε. (pdf αρχείο) είτε σε ψηφιακό δίσκο (2 CD) είτε σε USB stick (2)

6. Το επιστημονικό άρθρο ή το σύντομο επιστημονικό άρθρο (short paper) με την αντίστοιχη βεβαίωση δημοσίευσης από το επιστημονικό περιοδικό ή το επιστημονικό συνέδριο.

7. Στην περίπτωση που έχετε δανειστεί βιβλία από τη Βιβλιοθήκη της Σχολής Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού και δεν τα έχετε επιστρέψει, καλείστε να μεριμνήσετε για την άμεση επιστροφή τους.

8. Επιστροφή της Ακαδημαϊκής Ταυτότητας

In case of loss of your Academic Identity Card, you must submit to the Secretariat the loss declaration made at the Police.

For more information about the documents required for awarding the Master's Degree, refer to the following link: INSTRUCTIONS_DOCUMENTS_REQUIRED FOR THE AWARD OF M.S._STDR

All forms must be completed on a computer and those requiring a signature must be either digitally signed (via gov) or handwritten.

Those who have completed an Internship and Independent Studies I & II must submit the following:

 1. Master's Degree Award Application

2. The scientific article or short scientific article (short paper) with the corresponding publication certificate from the scientific journal or scientific conference for both Independent Study I&II.

12. Completion of the EXCEL FILE with the scientific works, announcements, or publications made within the framework of Independent Studies I & II (send to email RECORD OF RESEARCH WORK M.S_STDR

4. If you have borrowed books from the Library of the School of Physical Education and Sport Science and have not returned them, please ensure their immediate return.

5. Return of the Academic Identity Card

In case of loss of your Academic Identity Card, you must submit to the Secretariat the loss declaration made at the Police.

For more information about the documents required for awarding the Master's Degree, refer to the following link:INSTRUCTIONS_DOCUMENTS_REQUIRED FOR THE AWARD OF M.S._STDR

All forms must be completed on a computer and those requiring a signature must be either digitally signed (via gov) or handwritten.

Important Dates

Δήλωση πρόθεσης για πραγματοποίηση Μεταπτυχιακής Διπλωματικής Εργασίας ή Πρακτικής Άσκησης και Ανεξάρτητων Μελετών Ι & ΙΙ

(For students in their 2ndο Semester)

Δήλωση προτεινομένου τίτλου & επιβλέποντα Μεταπτυχιακής Διπλωματικής Εργασίας και περίληψη 100-150 λέξεων

Δήλωση προτεινομένου επιβλέποντα Πρακτικής Άσκησης

(For students in their 2ndο Semester)

Submission of title for Master's Thesis

Independent Study I & II Declaration

(For students who have passed in their 2nd semester of study)

Necessary documents can be found under Forms → Forms for the Master's Program → 3rd Semester → Master's Thesis preparation








Attention!!! A prerequisite for the issuance of your Diploma is the submission of all documents with original signatures

At your disposal

On behalf of the STDR Secretariat