Quality Policy and Staff Support Policy of the M.Sc. Program "Sports Tourism, Event Management, Dance"

Quality Policy of
M.Sc. Program

"Sports Tourism, Event Management, Dance"

 The M.Sc. program "Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance" has a quality policy that is compatible and harmonized with the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science and with the quality policy of Democritus University of Thrace. The Quality Policy Statement of the M.Sc. program «"Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance" aligns with the strategic planning of the Department, has been approved by the Department assembly, and is posted on the Department's website.

  1. The Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of DUTH and the relevant services of the Institution, has aligned the Quality Policy of the Undergraduate Study Program (USP) and the offered Postgraduate (MSc) and Doctoral Studies (Ph.D.) programs with the Quality Policy of Democritus University of Thrace.
  2. Specifically, the M.Sc. program "Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance" is integrated into the strategic planning of DUTH, aiming at the further promotion of knowledge, the development of research and arts, satisfying the educational, research, social, cultural, and developmental needs of the country, and providing high-level specialization to graduates in theoretical and applied areas of specific disciplines, special thematic units, or individual branches of the subjects of the first cycle of studies of the relevant Department.

The M.Sc. program «"Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance" is committed to implementing a quality policy that supports the academic profile and orientation of the curriculum, promotes its purpose and subject, implements its strategic goals, defines the means and ways to achieve them, and aims at its continuous improvement.

The M.Sc. program «"Sports Tourism, Organization of Events, Dance »

• Designs, modifies, and improves its curriculum with transparency and the participation of all involved parties so that it:

  • Meets modern scientific requirements and teaching needs
  • Achieves the learning outcomes and qualifications as described in the course outlines of the curriculum and offers qualifications in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
  • Promotes scientific knowledge and research through interdisciplinary approaches in theoretical and applied areas of specific fields of Sports Tourism and Recreation, the Organization of Sports and Cultural Events, and Dance, aiming to meet educational, research, social, cultural, and developmental needs as well as high-level specialization of graduates
  • Provides new knowledge and specialized training to postgraduate students both theoretically and practically, enabling them to create new theoretical and/or applied knowledge either through independent research or in collaboration with research institutions domestically or abroad in the fields of Sports Tourism and Recreation, the Organization of Sports and Cultural Events, and Dance.

• Implements quality procedures in teaching in full alignment with the quality policy of the Department and the Institution:

  • o Selecting suitable instructors in accordance with relevant legislation.
  • o Evaluating the teaching work by students on a semester basis.
  • o Participating in the internal evaluation process as coordinated by MODIP of DUTH
  • o Utilizing a variety of teaching methods and techniques, emphasizing student-centered processes and methods.
  • o Ensuring the progress and development of students during their studies.
  • o Encouraging each student to write articles, publish in reputable medical journals, and present at national or international conferences.
  • o Providing learning resources that are useful and accessible to students.
  • o Implementing the role of Academic Advisor.
  • o Participating in the procedures provided in the Regulation of the DUTH Award for Excellent Teaching.
  • o Cultivating an atmosphere of respect, cooperation, communication, and participation among all involved in the curriculum and applying best practices for resolving any issues as provided in the Complaint and Appeal Management Regulation.

• Ensures the quality (and quantity) of the research work of the academic unit's members:

  • o Enhancing its outreach through collaborations within the institution and with other institutions in Greece and abroad.
  • o Encouraging the participation of instructors in international and Greek conferences, research programs, and international collaborations.
  • o Supporting their international mobility.
  • o Seeking alternative funding sources (participation in programs, sponsorships, donations, etc.)
  • o Encouraging high-level research that will be published and recognized internationally.

• Ensures the connection of teaching with research.

Informed about the employment level of its graduates and disseminates employment information to students beyond the typical.

• Based on its capabilities (teaching staff and infrastructure), it ensures an appropriate annual number of entrants to offer high-quality education to students.

• It takes care of the quality at all levels of the Program's operations and simultaneously takes appropriate actions for its improvement

• It has posted the Quality Assurance Policy of the Program on its website and communicates it in every possible way to all involved parties.

• It ensures the continuous update of the Program's website so that it remains a reliable source of information for students.


Planning of the Program’s Goals and Actions

For action planning, the Program has formulated a quality goal setting, according to the HQA model, which includes strategic goals, corresponding quality goals, required actions, those responsible for their implementation, and the corresponding timeline.


Ways to Communicate the Quality Policy

According to the Quality Manual of the Institutional Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU) of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), Higher Education Institutions must publicize their educational and academic activities, their quality assurance policy, and the results of internal and external evaluations. This process aims to make the relevant information immediate, accessible, current, objective, and clear.

The Postgraduate Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance” has posted its quality policy on its website (https://stourdance.phyed.duth.gr) so that incoming and active students can be informed. Incoming students are also informed about the quality policy of the Program during the welcome ceremonies for postgraduate students.

The quality policy of the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance” is also communicated during interactions with the local community, in cases of organizing activities with various bodies, and during the presentation of research results.

More specifically, the following methods are used for public information about the actions of the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance”:

  1. • The official website of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science (http://www.phyed.duth.gr) and the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance” (https://stourdance.phyed.duth.gr).
  2. • The asynchronous distance learning platform DUTHNET eClass (https://eclass.duth.gr/) used by faculty members and registered students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science.
  1. • The Electronic Secretariat platform (https://unistudent.duth.gr/https://unistudent.duth.gr/) used by faculty members and registered students.
  2. • Websites of DUTH structures such as the Career Office (http://career.duth.gr/portal/), the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unithttp://epixeireite.duth.gr/), Europe Direct (http://europedirect.duth.gr/and the DUTH Alumni Association.
  3. • Printed material, which is digitized and available on the Program’s website.
  4. • Publications in the local press.
  5. • Interviews and reports in local media.

• Printed material is also distributed to students and other participants in all academic events of the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance” and the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, as well as in scientific events of the student association. All printed material is available at the Department’s secretariat. Finally, information about the events and research activities of the Department is posted on the Department’s notice boards and in the student reception area outside the Program’s secretariat.


Policy for Supporting and Developing the Staff of the Postgraduate Program “SPORTS TOURISM, EVENT ORGANIZATION, DANCE”

The support and development of staff is a priority of the Postgraduate Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance.”

A) The teaching staff of the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance,” both those belonging to the faculty of the academic unit as well as the adjunct and visiting professors are supported as follows:

  1. • They are informed about the training activities organized by IQAU and are encouraged to participate in them.
  2. • They are trained by the relevant services of DUTH (Computing Center) in the use of digital applications (universis, eclass, zoom, IQAU OPS).
  3. • They are informed about the university’s toolkit, which is aimed at all categories of instructors in Greek HEIs and is a collection of information and educational resources that enhance teaching and learning at the university, aiming at inclusive teaching approaches which: a. cultivate learning strategies in students, focusing on the big ideas of science, b. place them in problem-solving situations, c. encourage them to critically approach the core ideas of the course, training them to learn how to learn, and d. assess each learning outcome through formative assessment that utilizes multiple different ways of evaluating the learning outcome, enhancing the adoption of deeper learning approaches. The university’s toolkit is posted on the IQAU website at the following link: https://modip.duth.gr/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Toolkit_v1.1.pdf
  4. • They receive regular training on teaching and learning topics from the Teaching and Learning Support Center (TLSC) of DUTH. It is possible to organize specialized training activities of TLSC exclusively for the instructors of either an academic unit or a Program. TLSC’s training activities are posted on its website https://ctl.duth.gr/
  5. • They are informed about the toolkit with a series of educational videos titled “Equal Access and Inclusion,” created by the Quality Assurance Unit of Democritus University of Thrace in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Support Center https://modip.duth.gr/εκπαιδευτικα-βιντεο/
  6. • They are referred to the IQAU website under the "documentation" menu (https://modip.duth.gr/τεκμηριωση/) where material from the European Students’ Union (ESU) and other international organizations on various educational techniques (innovative techniques, student-centered learning, etc.) is available.


B) The administrative staff of the Program “Sports Tourism, Event Organization, Dance” are supported as follows:

  1. • They are informed about the training activities organized by IQAU and are encouraged to participate in them.
  2. • They are trained by the relevant services of DUTH (Computing Center) in the use of digital applications (universis, eclass, zoom, IQAU OPS).
  3. • They are encouraged to participate in training seminars on their field of work and are facilitated whenever necessary.