Selection criteria and conditions

The following are admitted to the MSc:

  • Graduates of the first cycle of studies of higher education institutions (Universities and Technical Universities) in Greece or similar institutions abroad, as defined by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, provided that the first cycle degree from a foreign institution has been recognized by the Interdisciplinary Organization for the Recognition of Academic Titles and Information (D.O.A.A.T.A.P.), according to the law. 3328/2005 (Α' 80).
  • The members of the categories E.E.P., E.D.I.P. and E.T.E.P. according to article 34 par. 8. of Law no. 4485/2017.

Student selection procedure : Evaluation of candidates by taking into account criteria that are weighted.



The Prerequisites for admission to the Programme are:


a) Bachelor's degree of Higher Education Institution (University or Technical University).

b) One (1) letter of recommendation from a university or university of applied sciences (University, college or university of applied sciences).

The letter of recommendation must be either from a faculty member or a Researcher of a recognized Research Centre or an institution's executive (e.g. School Counsellor, Head of Primary or Secondary Education etc.) , or from an employer of the employing institution.

c) Good knowledge (B2) of one of the languages: English, French, German, Italian, French, German, Spanish.

The language certificates presented by candidates will be assessed on the basis of the language proficiency table used by the ASEP.


The selection criteria for candidates are:

Candidates will be assessed for admission to the Programme by taking into account the following criteria. The points assigned to each criterion are cumulative, but it is not necessary for a candidate to meet all of them. All criteria are measurable and give a certain number of points where applicable.

In particular, the selection criteria for candidates are:


  1. Degree level (maximum 20 points): the marks will be awarded on the basis of the degree level multiplied by a factor of 2
  2. Oral or poster presentations at scientific conferences in Greece or abroad (maximum 15 points). Each communication will be awarded 5 points
  3. Publications in national or foreign scientific journals (Maximum 15 points). Each publication will be awarded 7,5 points
  4. Proven professional experience (maximum 15 points).

Two years of professional experience, up to a maximum of 24 months, will be rewarded with 0,625 points per month.Two years of professional experience, 24 months maximum, with 0,625 points per month.

  1. Participation in funded/research projects (10 points)
  2. Second degree from another university department (25 points) or a higher education institution (15 points)

The maximum mark for this criterion may not exceed 25 points.

  1. Other Master's degree (15 points)
  2. Doctorate (25 points)


NB: Clarification of the selection criteria is given in ANNEX I and ANNEX II below.


Selection procedure


1) The Secretariat of the MSc will initially draw up a complete list of applicants.


2) The Admission Selection Committee

  1. rejects candidates who do not meet the requirements.
  2. Rank the candidates in order of merit and pre-publishes the provisional shortlist and announces the time limit for appeals.
  • After examining the objections and on the basis of the candidate's final marks, it draws up the final selection list in order of merit.


3) The final shortlist is confirmed by the Departmental Assembly, posted on the Notice Board and on the Department's website.


In case of a tie, all the tied candidates are admitted provided that they do not exceed 60. In case the maximum number of admission to the MSc is reached, the candidate with the highest degree will be admitted.


In addition, members of the categories E.T.E.P., E.D.I.P. and E.E.P. can be registered as supernumeraries upon their request and only one per year (article 34 par. 8. of Law 4485/2017).


Successful candidates are invited to reply in writing within a period of three (3) days as to whether they accept their admission to the MSc and its terms of operation. Failure to reply within the above deadline by the selected candidate is equivalent to a refusal of acceptance and the Secretariat of the MSc informs the next in the evaluation order from the relevant list of successful candidates.






for the MSc 'Sports Tourism, Event Organisation, Dance'.



Candidates for admission to the programme will be assessed on the basis of a combination of criteria. The points corresponding to each criterion are cumulative, but it is not necessary for the candidate to meet all of them. The criteria are measurable and give a certain number of points where appropriate


Criterion 1


Degree level (maximum 20 points)

Candidates will be marked on the basis of a combination of their degree and a factor of 2 (two). For example, a graduate with a degree of 10 receives 20 points [Degree grade 10 x factor 2 = 20 points], a graduate with a degree grade 7,20 receives 14,40 points [Degree grade 7,20 x factor 2 = 14,40 points].


2nd criterion

Oral or poster presentations at scientific conferences in Greece or abroad (Maximum 15 points).

Each communication will be awarded 5 points

For each oral or posted communication, the full abstract from the official conference proceedings and the corresponding certificate from the scientific conference must be submitted.


3rd criterion

Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals in the country or abroad (Maximum 15 points). Each publication will be awarded 7,5 points.

The entire publication, a photocopy of the journal page with the scientific committee and a photocopy of the cover page must be submitted.


4th criterion

Proven professional experience* (Maximum 15 points, 7,5 points for each year).

Two years of professional experience, up to a maximum of 24 months, will be rewarded with 0,625 points per month.Two years of professional experience, 24 months maximum, with 0,625 points per month.


The documents proving your professional experience are listed in ANNEX II to this call for applications *.


5th Criterion

Participation in funded/research projects (10 points)

Participation in a funded research project requires a certificate from the Research Committee or the project leader.



6th Criterion


Second degree from another university department (25 points) or a higher education institution (15 points)

The maximum mark for this criterion may not exceed 25 points.


In the case of qualifications obtained from similar institutions abroad, they must be submitted in certified copies and accompanied by the IOATAP Act on the recognition of equivalence and equivalence.


7th Criterion


Other Master's degree (15 points)

If the qualification is from a similar foreign institution, a certified copy must be submitted and accompanied by the IOATAP Act recognising its equivalence.


8th Criterion


Doctorate (25 points)


If the qualification is from a similar foreign institution, a certified copy must be submitted and accompanied by the IOATAP Act recognising its equivalence.






Documents proving professional experience



The supporting documents required, where appropriate, to prove the nature and duration of the experience are as follows:


(1) For employees in the public and private sectors:

  • Employer's certificate
  • a certificate from the relevant insurance institution showing the duration of the insurance.


Public Sector Employees (Permanent and IDAX) Public sector employees (permanent and IDAX) can alternatively submit a certificate from their respective public sector body instead of the insurance body certificate, which must specify the type and duration of the experience.


 (2) For self-employed persons:

  • A certificate from the relevant insurance institution, indicating the duration of the insurance.


(3) Professional experience in sports clubs and federations: To certify professional experience, a certificate from the employer and the submission of a contract stating the exact length of employment and the type of employment relationship (for example, coach, physiotherapist, athlete, etc.) are required. Contracts must be certified by the tax office or be accompanied by certified photocopies of stamp books for the relevant period.


(4) Teaching experience

Candidates claiming teaching experience must provide:

  • A certificate from the educational institution or body stating: the employment relationship, the duration, the type of teaching employment (full or part-time) and the specific periods of such employment (hours per week for x weeks or months and total teaching hours), as well as the full weekly teaching hours in force at the time the teaching work was provided, in accordance with the applicable provisions. The full-time teaching week must be indicated on the certificate even if it is obtained by applying a provision corresponding to another level of education by analogy.
  • A certificate from the relevant insurance institution, indicating the duration of the insurance.



STAGE Programs

Participation in the OAED’s work experience acquisition programs STAGE is also considered work experience (paragraph 8, article 24, law 3200/2003). The relevant certificate must be issued by OAED and must specify the type and duration of the program.





  • • For those insured with IKA (EFKA), the months of experience are calculated by dividing the total number of days of insurance by 25.


  • • For those insured with other insurance funds (excluding IKA) such as the Legal Fund, ETAA, if the months of experience are not clearly derived from the relevant certificates, the total days of experience are converted into months by dividing by 30, taking the integer part of the resulting number.


  • • The work experience period declared by each candidate must match the period indicated in the certificate from the relevant insurance body.


Any period of experience stated in the candidate's Application-Declaration that is not covered by insurance contributions and vice versa is not considered and will be deducted.



Documents that do not fall into the above categories are not accepted as proof of professional experience and are not evaluated.